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HCBS Rate Setting Assessments

Rushmore has been conducting HCBS rate setting assessments since 2012. Our experience allows us to conduct accurate and reliable Individual for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) and Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) which state ID/DD agencies can utilize within their reimbursement methodologies.

Our experience includes: 
  • A certified assessment team that includes college professors, retired superintendents and principles, special education teachers and human service professionals.

  • An understanding of the importance, value and contribution each person brings to the assessment process.

  • An understanding of the critical role the individual, natural supports and service providers play in the assessment process.

  • Ensuring waiver participants receive an assessment or re-assessment within the timeframes dictated by the state agency.

  • An understanding of the challenges faced by state officials responsible for overseeing the assessment process.

  • A rigorous quality assurance and improvement methods to assure reliability of each rate setting assessment we complete. 

  • Assistance with defining assessment protocols and informing administrative rule revisions.

  • Working with state and local officials to communicate with the public through the phases of assessment implementation.

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The Rushmore Group, LLC   844-252-4689 

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