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About us

The Rushmore Group, LLC was formed in 1997 to provide assistance to organizations desiring to improve their internal processes; assist with the development of education and training associated with those processes; and provide management with the tools necessary to ensure ongoing success with process changes and service delivery improvement projects. Rushmore's core service market and clientele are state and county-level social service organizations. We focus on providing practical, understandable and useful assistance that addresses the on-going management and operational issues facing these entities from both an operational and strategic perspective. Each of our engagements is governed by the principle of serving our client's needs with superior quality and value.

Rushmore has achieved its outstanding record and distinguished reputation not only through hard work but also through our extensive experience. While diverse in scope, the common thread in all projects is the streamlining of business processes and providing education, training and management tools necessary to sustain these improvements.

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The Rushmore Group, LLC   844-252-4689 

© 2018 - All Rights Reserved - The Rushmore Group, LLC

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